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Stop wasting your time and money printing and scaling from A1 drawings. Scale the measurements you need directly from the PDF and get your quotes out quicker. FREE & FAST!

Been given planning drawings to quote from or just missing measurements?

How-to: Measure from PDF drawings.

Download Adobe Reader

to your PC/Laptop/Mac. The free version, you don't need to pay for anything. Don't install McAfee with it, you don't need or want it. 


Open your Downloads folder, locate the Adobe Acrobat installer file and launch it.

TIP:  You can only access the measuring tool in Acrobat Reader, it won't work if the PDF opens in your browser. 

Where to start:

Open the "Measuring Tool" in Acrobat Reader and find the scale on your drawing. 

Right-click and select “Change Scale Ratio and Precision” set to your scale remembering to change inches to millimetres. Test your measurements against the scale. 

TIP: Hold the "Ctrl" key and use your mouse wheel to zoom in and out for greater precision and hold the "Shift" key while measuring to force a straight line.

How to set the scale ratio:

Want a personal, one-to-one demo, live on your computer? We can connect remotely to your computer, set you up, give you a live demo and answer any questions you may have so you never have to print a plan again. Alternatively, we can measure your plans for you. 

Want a 1:1 demo?

To scale distances from PDF, set your scale, set the snap points and select the distance tool. Take your first measurement, holding the "Shift" key to force a straight line. 


Avoid selecting the measurement you've just taken by starting from the next furthest point and working back or holding the shift key to avoid selecting the previous measurement.


For precision zoom in and out using holding "Ctrl" using the mouse wheel or trackpad. If you make a mistake, right-click and click "Canel Measurement".  

Scaling Distances:
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To scale areas from PDF, set your scale, select the area measuring tool and click to start your measurement and work around your room or area once back at the start click again to complete the measurement.  

Use the PDF area scaling tool for flooring, rendering, cladding, plastering, patios, gardens, minimum room sizes for HMO's and more... 

Click anywhere on your area measurement line to get the total area or right-click and "Export Measurement markup to Excel" and use the auto sum feature in Excel to get the totals of multiple area measurements.

Scaling Areas:

To measure roof pitches from PDF, set your scale and select the distance tool. 

Set one point at the base and another at the apex of the rafter. In the results box in the bottom right of your screen, you'll have the angle displayed. 

While not perfect to the degree it will be close enough to quote from. 

Measuring Roof Pitch:

Want a personal, one-to-one demo, live on your computer out of hours?  We can connect remotely to your computer, set you up, give you a live demo and answer any questions you may have so you never have to print a plan again. Or, we can just measure your plans for you. 

Need a 1:1 demo?

To scale perimeters from PDF, set your scale, select the perimeter measuring tool and click to start your measurement. Double-click to finish your measurement. 

Great for quickly measuring skirting, coving or cornice, fencing or drain runs.  

TIP: Take all the measurements you need and then click "Export Measurement markup to Excel" Use the auto sum feature in Excel to get the totals you need.

Scaling Perimeters:
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